Explained The Different Types of Face Masks
Some states and territories have provided guidelines on wearing face masks in a public setting. Other states, such as Victoria, have issued mandatory requirements for wearing a face covering.
Face masks and other protective equipment can be effective when it is not possible to maintain physical distancing for workers in health care or aged care. The type of face mask used will depend on the setting. Below is a list of different face masks and how they can protect workers.
Types of Face Masks
With a range of protective masks readily available to purchase online or in-store across Australia, understanding the difference between face masks and the varied forms of protection they offer can help you better adjust to wearing one.
If your face mask is reusable, be sure to use proper precautions outlined by the Australian Government for cleaning and re-wearing.
High particulate filter respirators – N95 masks
P2, KN95 and N95 masks are tight fitting and have an adjustable nose piece. Equipped with a build in air filtration system, these masks are designed for high risk medical settings. They can help prevent airborne transmission and are most commonly used by Healthcare Workers or for aerosol generating procedures. They can be disposed of after use and before wear and fit testing is recommended.
Medical-grade masks – Surgical masks
Medical-grade masks include surgical masks (Levels 1,2 and 3). Surgical masks can provide a physical barrier and droplet protection for the wearer in a health care scenario. These are recommended for healthcare workers in a medical setting or for any situation that requires airborne precautions.
Manufactured non-medical grade face coverings – Cloths masks
Non-medical grade face masks can include homemade or sewn masks, which are not regulated by the TGA. Typically made from multi-layered cloth fabrics, these face masks provide limited evidence for protection against airborne transmission. Cloth face masks can be considered a suitable alternative to a surgical mask for the general public in specific circumstances. Cloth masks should be properly constructed, designed and washed to maximise effectiveness.
Non Manufactured non-medical grade face coverings – Scarfs or bandanas
This type of face covering includes any handkerchief, scarf or bandana used as a mask. There is no evidence for protection against airborne transmission or droplets. This form of mask can be used when there is community transmission and no other face covering alternatives are available.
Providing Masks to Workers
According to Safe Work Australia, there is no need to provide face masks for employees. However, if you decide that you want your workers to wear face masks, you must provide them.
Also in Victoria, it is important to note that under Stage 4 restrictions, it is mandatory for every employee operating on site to wear a mask where the risk cannot be eliminated.
Necessary training and instructions on how to put on, wear, take off and dispose the mask is also recommended. Fit checking is important as well to ensure that the face mask is effective while wearing.
Order Face Masks for Your Workforce Online
Properly constructed cloth face masks and single-use surgical masks can be used in the workplace. MediNat offers both, available to purchase online.
The MedSense Disposable Face Mask provides protection against dust, bacteria and infectious pathogens and has been tested to meet the international standard for face masks. We also have available the Virus Destroying, Reusable Face Mask, which features 3-layers and N95 grade filtration, that works to protect the wearer by destroying >99.9% of SARS-CoV-2.
At MediNat Australia we can help you improve safety in the workplace. Call us on 1300 725 520, send an email to info@medinat.com.au or contact us online for more information.